AGSC — Always Grounded Sometimes Cooked
“Can I come up?” was the first thing our neighbour (now one of our dearest friends), Tomáš, asked when he first heard Abhay DJ in the balcony.
That very night we had a party at ours and he ended up staying all night in the spirit of good vibes & good music.
“His” turned to “Wassup? Was Happening?”
Smiles turned to gut-wrenching laughters
“Can I come in?” turned to “I’m coming in bitch”
Hallway greetings turned to impromptu dinners
and before you knew it, a deep friendship had blossomed….
Tomáš is an artist by profession & self-expression. As he tried to experiment in the lab of his mind with yet another concoction of worldly & imaginative elements, he came to Abhay and he said….
“I’ve always dreamt of having parties. Not the kind of parties you usually go to but the ones that bring together different expressions of art to create an immersive sensory experience and to collectively relish in that experience with other people who understood it.”
Abhay was agape with excitement.
Music is Abhay’s profession & self-expression. As he tried to imagine yet another way of communicating with people through music that held them in love and power, he came to me and he said….
“I’ve always dreamt of making people truly feel through music. Music that first makes you surrender then makes you take a leap of faith into not knowing what lies ahead to ultimately be held in your ultimate power…..which is love.”
Now I was agape with twice as much excitement.
As I tried to imagine yet another way of bringing people together to unleash the power of human connections and endless possibilities of those connections, I went to both and I said….
“I’ve always dreamt of bringing people together, one way or the other. Not the kind of way where people are talking to each other for the sake of talking but truly swimming into each other’s depths to connect, relate & know that they belong just for being who they are.”
At this moment, AGSC was born. Always Grounded Sometimes Cooked.