Thanking Your Heart

Today I woke up and as per usual, put on a morning meditation on Gaia. This time I chose a morning gratitude meditation. It started with getting in tune with my breath and a full body scan. As the voice in my headphones said “Your feet are below your heart, almost putting your heart on a pedestal” and told me to bow down to my heart in gratitude, I felt so much love for my heart. I was so shook with how much love I wanted to suddenly give my heart. This organ we barely even notice.
I started to think about all the times I’ve stressed myself over situations, lived in the past by re-imagining certain events that aroused anxiety and anger within me, when I wasn’t there for me when I needed it the most and my heart consistently kept beating. It continued to retain and spread the true essence of my being within me which is “to BE, not become” which means just being alive as a human being is a marvel, you don’t have to become anything to be worthy of a marvel. I thought of all the times it continued to guide all the other soldiers within me, saying “Guys…She’s going through one of those times again. She’ll say all sorts of crap — oh I don’t like this. I can’t get it right. Maybe life isn’t worth it. Maybe I’m not worth it. I can’t do this right. I’m stressed etc etc. You just have to ride it out. Keep doing your job. It’s a temporary holdback, I can assure you. Keep at it team! We got this!” and continued to beat for me.